Monday, September 13, 2010

BinaryFormatter & “Invalid number of fixups”

While working with clsClaim (which inherits from clsGenericCollection(Of clsNCPDP)) on the Billing Screen, I was receiving the following error when deserializing:

The ObjectManager found an invalid number of fixups. This This usually indicates a problem in the Formatter.

The issue here is that, when binary serialization occurred, the object type was saved with the binary data. In this case, the object type was Classes.clsGenericCollection`1[Classes.clsNCPDP]. When deserialization occurs, the object type is attempted instantiated. Because we changed namespaces, this object is no longer valid.

The solution was to create a SerializationBinder object that dictates which type to bind to. The interesting code is:

Function BindToType(ByVal assemblyName As
String, ByVal typeName As
String) As System.Type

If typeName.Contains("Classes.clsNCPDP") Then

typeName = typeName.Replace("Classes.clsNCPDP", "BioWoRx.BusinessLogic.clsNCPDP")




If typeName.Contains("Classes.clsGenericCollection") Then

typeName = typeName.Replace("Classes.clsGenericCollection", "BioWoRx.BusinessLogic.clsGenericCollection")




Return Type.GetType(String.Format("{0}, {1}", typeName, assemblyName))




This code is used in the application like so:


theFormatter.Binder = New GenericCollectionOfNcpdpBindingRedirect()

claim_fields = CType(theFormatter.Deserialize(theStream), clsGenericCollection(Of clsNCPDP))

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